Forgotten but not Gone
It's been a long long time since i've even been to my own blog site.
i accidentally typed in my old blog that the internet had eaten a long time ago - the strange thing was that it was there.
so if you ever have the notion to waste time reading old blog entries
has some.
i wonder where it went on it's vacation from public access...
maybe it went to the alps for a sebaticle.
speaking of going.
i have submitted the first of many parts of my application to the International Mission Board.
I am feeling a call to go.
not yet sure where. but the fire is being kindled.
Since we have talked last I have quit my job at P-Mobile (name changed) and am now substitute teaching in Austin Independent School District.
I am moving to a house from my apartment of nearly two years. and with a roommate after living solo for about three years (not consecutive)
I have had a major shift in some relationships - not all of which have been pleasant.
a lot of things contributing to what felt like the bottom falling out of my life all at once.
but in and through it all My God has yet again shown Himself as gracious, kind, in control, faithful, loving and so so so much more.
i'm not sure what the next steps are and go through little glimpses of unbelief and mistrust - but am quickly righted by the Lord of my life.
it's been rocky and rough, but still so sweet.
Only by God is that even possible.
go to the other blog
pray for me
let me know how you are
take a walk
do something kind for someone
It's been a long long time since i've even been to my own blog site.
i accidentally typed in my old blog that the internet had eaten a long time ago - the strange thing was that it was there.
so if you ever have the notion to waste time reading old blog entries
has some.
i wonder where it went on it's vacation from public access...
maybe it went to the alps for a sebaticle.
speaking of going.
i have submitted the first of many parts of my application to the International Mission Board.
I am feeling a call to go.
not yet sure where. but the fire is being kindled.
Since we have talked last I have quit my job at P-Mobile (name changed) and am now substitute teaching in Austin Independent School District.
I am moving to a house from my apartment of nearly two years. and with a roommate after living solo for about three years (not consecutive)
I have had a major shift in some relationships - not all of which have been pleasant.
a lot of things contributing to what felt like the bottom falling out of my life all at once.
but in and through it all My God has yet again shown Himself as gracious, kind, in control, faithful, loving and so so so much more.
i'm not sure what the next steps are and go through little glimpses of unbelief and mistrust - but am quickly righted by the Lord of my life.
it's been rocky and rough, but still so sweet.
Only by God is that even possible.
go to the other blog
pray for me
let me know how you are
take a walk
do something kind for someone
emily!!!!! oh my gosh!! hello!!!
i just found your blog and wanted to say hi and i miss you and i can't believe you are starting the process with the IMB!!!! brings back memories for sure, cause i went through it 8 years ago!!! whew! anyhoo, i'll saya pray for you and hope all goes well with the process!!! :)
love, jennifer (green)
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