Thursday, July 05, 2007

Lunch with Mr.Twitters

it wasn't quite raining, and it couldn't be considered mist, but as Claudette sat outside to enjoy her meal, little drops of water were appearing on her skin. No, it wasn't sweat either. It was just the overall moisture in the air clinging to her and taking up residence in droplette form.
Claudette didn't mind. She was conten to soak it in and enjoy the sun that had been so long abscent in the weeks before.
You see it had been raining for about a month. The rivers had risen and the flood gates were opened and the greens and colors of the landscape been thoroughly saturated.
So there she sat, in a delightful rocking chair on the patio of a delightful little deli. It wasn't far from her office, but far enough to be an escape from the drudge of it. The sun was warming her skin and the sounds of birds were tickling her ears.
Then he came. Unoticed at first. She doesn't know how long he was on her shoulder, but when she did notice - he took flight. He then skipped from her shoulder to her hair, from there to her hand and her leg and her plate and the edge of her glass and her finger tips and her face. playfully hopping from place to place with all the life and flightyness one would expect from a little butterfly.
His wings were beautiful. perfectly shaped without a blemish. His size was perfect. not too small, not too large. When he landed on her finger it felt like he was grabbing on and hugging her. Then he would depart from it.
She giggled and flirted as Mr.Twitters danced around her.

Soon, though, some others came into the game. but these were not playfull creatures at all. they were on the hunt. they wanted to taint Claudette's food and buzz loudly near her face. Claudette did not like these flies. They were dirty and invasive. They didn't want to invite her into a relationship with flirting and laughing. they sought to meet their own needs. soon Claudette was so overwhelmed by the flurry of bugs, both good and bad, she got flustered and began swatting at them.
'go away' she cried, 'let me be!'

Soon the had left. all of them. Including Mr.Twitters.
Oh no, she thought, what have i done? i got so carried away with preserving my food that I must have scared him away. Oh, Mr.Twitters, I am so terribly sorry.

Claudette felt sad and guilty for having been so easily distracted and upset by those dumb ol' flies. she wishes that she would have just continued in her delighting with Mr.Twitters.

After a few minutes of lamenting, Claudette felt the lightest touch on her shoulder. and it may have been the trees rustling in the light breeze, but she could swear she heard a whisper.
'i'm still here. i love you'
and when she turned he was gone.

But Claudette was no longer sad. she was elated. she knew that Mr.Twitters had invited her into something real and lasting. and even though he had to go for now, he wasn't gone. He may come back one day. She may meet him again in the sound of ocean waves or in snow flakes falling and whirling in the wind.


Blogger ellie mae Harrison said...

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July 06, 2007  
Blogger ellie mae Harrison said...

This is beautiful. The condensation my Claudette alias is now experiencing is in the ocular cavities. Superb anological writings- vivid pictures of truth in active color.

July 06, 2007  
Blogger Steve said...

how are you.
guess who called me out of the blue the other day?

Dave Hill.

thanks for the prayers.
it looks like we are going to try to get up to portland instead of vancouver.
long story, but we feel really good about it.

did you say hawaii?

July 24, 2007  

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