Wednesday, April 04, 2007

new kid on the block

so my bosses and coworkers have all been playing musical chairs over the past couple of months and are at a point where they may stay for a while.
in all of the hustle and bustle there came a few new members to my beloved little team.
i will call him the bull. as in bull-dozer. he is also at times referred to as cry-baby-crypsie.

when bull comes to work, make no mistake that it is he who enters. the floor usually shakes a little when people walk around in the office, but with bull - it's way more than a little shakeage. don't get me wrong. i am in no way saying that he is fat. infact he appears to be in fairly apt physical condition. but his stature is quite substantial. he's just a big guy.
bull suffers from voice imodulation. a condition for which awareness was hieghtened after will ferrell's appearance on SNL. you can hear everything the bull says.

basically his presence is large and in your face even if you are cowering in your cube space avoiding confrontation with him. invariably, though, he will always come by and talk through the beaded curtain that clearly screams "privacy please". and ten times out of ten bull is asking an identical question to what he asked you the day before, or eleven minutes ago. and surprisingly the answer remains the same.

well bull has decided that he belongs in the cube next to mine. after about 20 mintues of opening and closing all the drawers (of which there are only three), and from the sound of it, throwing his body into the cube walls, he is nearly settled.
now it's time for bull to make a lot of personal phone calls. (dude i can hear you. AND it sounds like john's wife doesn't really want to borrow your wife's breast pump. let it go).
he somehow still has excess energy even after all of the moving and shaking he did.
so he proceeds to sit and bounce his knee for the next hour.
how do i know this is what he's doing> because, like i said, the floor is quaking. my computer's monitor is actually bobbing and ratteling from the motion.
dude! stop shaking the entire building!
i'm getting sea sick.
if i yack you better believe i'm aiming over the top of the cube.

seriously. stop.

Will Ferrell - Voice Imodulation - These bloopers are hilarious


Blogger Elle said...

Sorry about all the vibrations distracting you from work. Does your chair at least feel like a massage chair?

April 04, 2007  
Blogger emily louise said...

will ferrell + voice immodulation = never gets old!!!! I still quote it frequently.

April 08, 2007  

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