Thursday, March 15, 2007


Well, I would love to tickle you with words of the hilarities that usually overflow from my work days. but, I'm just going to be frank, there's really nothing to tell.
I think it has to do with a slightly sour attitude - because really the stuff before wasn't all THAT funny, but somehow struck me as so.

So that's that. life is just truckin' right along.
but not lacking love, and joy and blessings.
but right now is a sort of growing period - with all types of growing pains.

I went and got my taxes done.

who knew it was that pricey?

There's a jar of markers on my desk. I make it a goal to try and use all 50 colors at least once per day. it's a lot more difficult that you's think.

I officially fell off the marathon training wagon. The shoes I wore the other night tried to murder my feet, but only managed to leave them severely mawled. - so needless to say, running shoes strapped on over the wounds was out of the question for a few days.
and by a few days, i mean tomorrow will have been a week.

that's cool though. we'll make it through. I mean I already paid my entry fees and bought a plane ticket... we'd better make it through.

I had a spinach/pineapple drink today. i feel super healthy (despite the lack of excercise...)


that's about it.

now you know.
I better go make sure the copiers and printer are full of paper - just incase someone comes in and wants to print something. and then I need to check all the staplers.

bye now


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What if I roller bladed along with you through the marathon? I'll have a backback full of water bottles, a mind full of jokes, and a heart full lof love. will that be enough to get you through??



March 18, 2007  

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