Thursday, February 08, 2007

A SHOE! bless you

There are shoes in which i run only. there are shoes that make me tall. there are shoes that are just for dancing. and there are ones i hardly wear at all. but the truth remains, i love each pair - especially the ones i can wear anywhere.

there's a story or a good laugh behind each shoe you see. it's weird how they are all a part of my life.

don't judge me. i just really like shoes - ok?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha. i have so many things to say about these pictures.
first of all, what size do you wear...because if we wore the same size, that would be enough to make me want to move to tx so we could expand our shoe collections greatly.
second of all, i love that we did this. ha. i just do. the end.

February 08, 2007  
Blogger emily louise said...

my favorites are 2, 13, and 14.. i'd probably have more, but I can only count as high as 14

February 08, 2007  
Blogger sowlee said...

Is this all the shoes you have? Because somehow- I would think you had more than two dozen. Keeping almost every pair I have had since 10th grade... I have 11 pairs.
Also- "Wear" on earth did you get those red and white cowboy boots? What's the story on those?

February 09, 2007  
Blogger emily harrison said...

confession, i have three dozen...
and about the boots. there the ones I told you about. i was ecited because i lusted for them before Christmas, but they were really expensive. so i practiced self discipline. then the other day i was at the mall for work and just happened to stop in at steve madden and they were marked down to way way way cheap. so i jumped on it like a fat kid on a donut hole. i've been going country dancing more lately and the only other boots i had to scoot were grandad's old ostrigh ones. but they're a little big so i would always step on or bump toes with the guys and not really realize it. also i wore really thick socks with them because of the size and my feat would get super hot.... TMI?
so anyways. been looking for some boots that fit and what better than red dramatic ones for really cheap?
i may or may not have 8 pairs of red shoes. it reminds me of the snickers commercial where the girl holds out 4 different black shoes to her husband but he sees just 4 of the same....
they're very different.

February 09, 2007  
Blogger emily louise said...

i love shoes

February 09, 2007  
Blogger sarita said...

As do I...
nice shoes EKH, especially the red ones : )

February 11, 2007  

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