Tuesday, January 23, 2007

it's a slippery slope, my friend

Maybe I have had about ten miniature candy canes today.
'tis the season.
Also there are some lingering christmas decorations up in the ol' cube-space.
'tis the season.

Speaking of cube space... get out of mine, Damion*.
There's a new fly buzzing around this heap. We will call him Damion. First off, he's a returning fly. I don't know the root of his long ansence, but I give it many thanks and beg it's intervention once again. There's no amount of ignoring or sideways glares that will thwart Damion's resiliant persistance.
So I sit quietly in my space, my space with a makeshift door, not soliciting any company or conversation (for the most part). But Damion somehow misreads this stoic silence for an open and standing invitation. He comes by and stops on every trip to say a few words. Usually a snide remark or two about the pictures on my wall, or the christmas lights being out of season or something.
A particular instance almost was too much for even him. He sees a Bible sitting on my desk and says, "What are you trying to save yourself?" I reply, "No, I'm already saved." It maybe wasn't the most eloquent or well thought out retort, but it was what first came to mind. "Well at least one of us is, I'm going straight to Hell. Did you get that email I sent you?"
nice subject change. practically seamless.

The email was a bunch of spreadsheets, but when you open them, he had dropped in flash games like mini-golf and pacman.
I spent a solid 30 minutes playing putt putt yesterday. I'm really good at it. Trust me on this.

Anyways. What I am saying is, Damion is a walking awkward. No fail - he will suck the lfe and smooth-flowing conversation right out of the room... er cube.
He will talk to you for minutes upon minutes upon minutes about things to which you never hinted at having an interest. and 9 times out of 9 the conversation will lead to a dead end path of one party just nodding and saying, "yep" until he finally feels goofy enought to just walk away.

oy vey . there's no escape.

* name changed to protect the guilty


Anonymous Anonymous said...

AHH is Damion going to be the new Bob? Because there needs to be a replacement I feel...

But maybe Damions almost...too annoying...

January 23, 2007  
Blogger sowlee said...

I miss bob, er MISSED bob.

I welcome Damion with open arms and ears.
(and eyes for reading about him)

standing request- photo! photo! photo!

January 23, 2007  
Blogger emily harrison said...

yeah, i was bummed i never caught a shot of bob for the viewing pleasure of you all. maybe damion will prove to be an easier target.

January 23, 2007  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

EMILY, I love you! That is all...and I just love reading your blog. You are wonderful, my dear, a true gift!

January 25, 2007  
Blogger sarita said...

Ah EKH, I miss you too! And I would have laughed at the golden dancing cat too...I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who thinks life is funny. Well, of course I'm not the only one, but you know. Speaking of laughing, I passed by a guy singing today at a bus stop...had my sunroof open (even though it is like 35 degrees out) and kept hearing this crazy loud singing...but all the cars around had closed windows. Then, lo and behold, I see a guy sitting at the bus stop, jammin' with a cd player, and by jammin' I mean singing at the top of his lungs AND dancing. I don't know how the other people waiting at the bus stop weren't laughing...but I was, aloud, and alone in my car.

January 27, 2007  

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