Bye bye Birdie

Dear Bob,
I feel that the time is right to say my last goodbyes. It wasn't until today that I came to grips with the fact that you're gone for good. I will no longer wait with baited breath for your return.
I feel I must explain the delay in my coming to this resolve. To be honest, I'm not even sure from where this resolve hails. You see, all the signs still point to your presence.
What's a girls to think when she sees your Railroad Tycoon II computer games still lying around? And what about that super tiny Tabasco sauce bottle? You're just going to leave it behind like a meaningless trinket? 

Please don't tell me you just won't do your curls. please.
Every time I hear the main door open and close and the squeak of worn out tennis shoes on the tile, I feel a jump in my throat. "It's him!" But alas, it is nearly always the UPS man. Bob, will you ever come back?
I hope that you enjoy your new life. I hope that your new cube neighbor knows the treasure trove they have in you. I hope that you can have as wide spread effect there as you have had here.
My friends, my family, they all still ask after you. What am I to tell them? That it's over? That you've left me forever. That no more will I have daily tributes and stories to tell?
"What news of Bob these days?" they ask. "Bob and I have been separated for over a month now. I didn't have the heart to tell you sooner. In fact I only recently came to believe it myself. It was just so sudden."
One day you were here and all was normal. Your helocpter hovered around the office while you wore the control securely around your neck. It seems like only yesterday your boat was parked just outside. And then, just like that, you're gone. No note, no farewell luncheon... just.... gone.
You are missed. And if ever you decide to visit, know there's always a spot for you. Not, your old spot, though, I heard someone talking about moving in the other day. But I'm sure there will be an empty cubicle around here somewhere.
Here's to fate, and the off chance our paths may one day cross again...
Dwight came back, so there's still hope!
I knew Dwight would be back. The network would be committing show suicide without him.
As much as we all tune into Jim and Pam's little romance, Dwight is the fire that keeps us warm.
incidentally, I will miss Bob. Grandma and Grandpa will certainly miss him more than all of us put together though. What are they going to talk to their other senior adult friends about at their 4pm dinner on Saturdays?
what Dwight's back?!?!?!?
awe man, I haven't watched it yet. I had a guy DVR it for me though.
tonight, it's me and dwight...
and so what if I want Jim to marry me, big deal.
Dear Bob,
I can't tell you how much I will miss you. You've meant a lot to me. More than you will ever know. You made me (through em's words) laugh, you make me cry (because I was laughing so ridiculously hard), and you've just plain astonished me...
You make me want to work in a cubicle Bob. Thats hard. May everyone have a little Bob in their lives.
where are you?
call me!
I'm all for you and Jim getting married, he's tall, smart, and you two would be a delightfully witty couple.
Pro-"JIm and Emily" 2007,
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