Wednesday, September 13, 2006


The avacodo seed phenomina:

I carried a cutting board that had scraps of verious food items on it to the trash can. one of the items was the large pit of an avacado. An inch away from the trash can, and the seed rolls off the board and vanishes. I go to find it so that a roach won't eat it and grow five times it's deceased brother's size (which would be human size). But, alas, it is no where to be seen. I look for about ten minutes in every possible direction it could have rolled.

About an hour later I was walking through my living room and what do I step on?
An avacado seed.
It had to have rolled about seven feet (not a downhill slope either) turned a corner, ramped up from the tile to the carpet, rolled another foot or so, veard right and came to a hault on the other side of the kitchen wall.
It's the little avacado seed that could! I think he was trying to make a break for it because he didn't want to get assaulted by the overly aggressive, trash rummeging raccoon.


Anonymous Anonymous said...
check it out!

September 18, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so, yeah, we were in austin last weekend and didn't get any good ole e harrison hang time. kinda sucks.

good to see you're taking advantage of the concealed handgun law.

September 21, 2006  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really miss you. we need to hang out soon!!!! please!!! i'll call you tonight. i have to work on images. but maybe tomorrow night?

September 26, 2006  

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