Wednesday, August 30, 2006

the lingering snicker -but also sort of freaky.

I can't keep from letting out an occasional snicker. Why? you ask.
Great question.
There is a stuffed bear in a Santa hat on my bosses desk in a make-shift coffin. headstone and all.
Why is there a bear in a coffin?
It all started with an Indian man and a pink top hat.

No really
Someone put a fuzzy, pink top hat on the corner of my cubicle. After a few days it was joined by a bear. A bear in a santa hat no less.
"who the heck put that there?"
I relocated the bear to the office across the hall, whose occupant promptly moved it back to a different local in my cube.
This continued for several weeks. A third party then joined the fun and made it a mind game.
"how did the bear move when I was in here talking to you the whole time?"

Anyways one thing leads to another and the bear ends up hung from the light in the office across the hall. I do not take full responsibility.
However I will say I cracked up at the note that the unknown left.
"dear cold cruel world,
No bear should have to endure such a life. Twas a fortnight since I last had a home and honey. I have been chained to this Santa myth for too long now. My kningdom for a tank top. - bearly yours"

You gotta admit, that's pretty funny. So anyways - the mastermind of the travesty is out of town today, and who knew that the man across the hall and I would find everything one would need for a complete bear funneral within the copy room of our floor?

There he lay in a pink satin lined box surrounded by daisies and clasping a sprig of baby's breath in his paws. A tomestone sits above his head reading: "RIP - "my kingdom for a tank top"

Sweet dreams little santa bear.... sweet dreams.


Blogger sowlee said...

my kingdom for a chance to be a fly on the wall at t-mobile for one week before my life span as a fly would be up and I would fall off dead on the flooring of the office and get swept up that night by the janitor and thrown in the garbage.

August 30, 2006  
Blogger sowlee said...

i <3 run-ons.

August 30, 2006  

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