Wednesday, May 30, 2007

adventure us

when i look at my life - it seems pretty straight forward and mundane. nothing exciting or flashy. nothing out of the ordinary. it's pretty normal.

Especially in comparison to my sister's life. she trapeses across the globe living in thrilling locations. just this week she is moving from DC to Hawaii. her life seems like one romantic whim that is long lasting and enviable in every way. she is beautiful and stunning and drinks in the life all around her.

Or take my other sister. she has an incredible husband who fights crime. two angelic children who bless every life they touch. and lives in a town where she is surrounded by loving family and simple delightful pleasures. her beauty is stunning, and flawless, even without make up or combed hair.

But when other people look at my life they say things i can't bring myself to agree with. 'oh how glamorous', or 'my my, you always have something going on'...

How do I live my own life and see all the gifts God pours out into it every day? How do I stop compairing it with my sisters'?
How do I do that?
I love life, and i don't, for the most part, feel like i am wasting it away. but i do see that i am looking side to side all to often to truly be able to progress in my own.
that being said, how do i live my life with intent without getting self centered?
maybe if i live for others and for how i can affect them, or show them love - and if i put myself and my desire for a wild adventurous life aside - then i won't even notice whether or not my accomplishments stack up.
that's it.
who the heck cares if i can travel as much or as exoticly as others? who the heck cares if i have pictures from every country on the map? but if my days are spent looking for God and knowing Him more and letting Him use me to enrich others' lives - then that life will be fully lived. and heck, he may want to use me in a way that requires travel and excitement. but if He doesn't, it won't matter. because getting to see His face at all, even in this drudge, is worth so much more than experiencing all the glamour with out Him.

I'm reading Ecclesiastes at the moment. it is so convicting and true and deeply encouraging toward the life that I know I should desire. A life with Him as the point and His Glory here and Heaven there as the goal.

Ecc. 3: 11-14 are my favorite right now.


Blogger Elle said...

Continue pondering such things. You are onto truth. You are right on in saying all good/beauty/richness/pleasure comes from God and without that focus, all else will be frustratingly futile. ALL else- listen not to what this confused and fumbling world defines as glamour, adventure, and happiness. Don't be distracted by it my dear. Keep your eyes on the stars (above, ie God) to navigate- not the ever changing input of the sailors around you. You will be sailing in frustrating aimless directions if you are so influenced...
I love you. You are wise.

June 01, 2007  

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