Tuesday, May 15, 2007

I have this friend...

and she was at the pool with a bunch of her other friends. her apartment is not even a block away from the pool. how convenient!!
so anyways. after hours of laying in the sun and splashing in the pool with said friends she decides it's time to head home for a bit before she has to go out for the evening.
"be careful on your long trip home!"
one of the friends shouts after her.
not fifteen seconds later she is carefully making her way over the stepping stones that cross the pool to the exit, and you guessed it.
she was on the last stone and her flip flops and the wet surface did what they always do - cause some serious slippage. however, she caught herself.
'whew that was close,' she thought to herself
no sooner had the htought left her head that her other foot slid off the edge of the last stepping stone.
she dropped her bag and caught herself and pulled off an elaborate spin move as she went down. she ended up sitting down really hard on the edge of the pool and then just giving up and laying down really hard.
she started to laugh, the irony of her friend's statement hit her immediately. 'be careful on your long trip home'... classic.
but no one laughed with her. no one even flinched. not even the guy sitting a foot away from her.
she looked over at her friends on the other side of the pool. gave a thumbs up and yelled, i think i broke my legs!' haha.
they just gawked.
so she got up. praised God that her bag with her cell phone etc had not gone in the pool and hobbled off.
when she finally made it to her building and up three flights of stairs and sat down at home, she realized the pain was legit.
she had a right knee swolen, bruised and gashed. a left knee with a green and red raspberry the size of an egg. and a big toe with a sizeable chunk missing from the top.


about two hours later one of the uncaring pool-friends called to see if she was okay. then they laughed about it.


Blogger emily louise said...

It took them 2 hours?!? what kind of friends are these?

May 15, 2007  
Blogger Elle said...

I'm glad you had a good trip.
See you next fall.
Don't let it getcha down.

May 15, 2007  
Blogger emily harrison said...

who said it was me?!
my FRIEND...

uh hem.

May 16, 2007  

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