Thursday, July 27, 2006

has anyone ever told you?

Excuse me, sir that looks normal.
has anyone ever told you that you walk like a clown?
seriously, when you pass my cubical i halfway expect a seal with a fluffy collar to be not to far behind.
no, really, the enitre floor shakes when you're coming, passing and going. i think it has something to do with your imaginary shoes that are 13 inches too long for your foot.
why are you walking like that?
it's like you go swimming in the morning and forget that you took the flippers off when you got to work.
also, why are you ALWAYS walking around? what is it that you do for this company that requires you making laps?

oh, no one's told you?



Blogger Ryan said...

Welcome back!

July 30, 2006  

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